

Welcome to the Pencoed Comprehensive School and Kabundi High School blog. It is a chance to share the thoughts of students in Wales and Zambia. Students and teachers from both schools are free to post comments and add pictures.

3 Responses to “Welcome”

  1. Tione Says:

    Iam a teacher at Kabundi High School working with Tom in Wales to enlighten the world about our two beautiful countries and global issues like HIV/AIDS,the Environment and culture.Visit our weblog and enjoy wonderful information on our two countries and the work that our pupils are doing to let the world know about what is happening to our environment and culture. We also we publish work being done on HIV/AIDS.

  2. Cyhthia Says:

    I am a nurse in Finland, just completed my Nursing Degree. It was nice to ´see articles reflecting to my former.lovely Kabundi high School.
    It will be nice to hear of good projects relating to My former high school.

  3. Mr Biebrach Says:

    Cynthia – Thanks for the comment. Please let us know your email address so we can find out more about your experiences. Contact us at twinningkabundi@yahoo.com

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